Ibn Rushd Pharmacy
Olbas Adult Oil 28 ML
Olbas Adult Oil 28 ML
Olbas Oil helps relieve the symptoms of head colds and muscular pain. Ideal relief for colds, blocked sinuses and catarrh.
An inhalant decongestant oil whose vapours help relieve symptoms of head colds, catarrh and flu. When applied as a rub, it also helps relieve symptoms of muscular pain and stiffness.
How to Use: For inhalation and external use on unbroken skin only
Adults and children over two years: Sprinkle a couple of drops onto a handkerchief or add to hot water and inhale the vapour.
Children three months to two years: Sprinkle a drop onto a tissue and place it out of reach of child. For pain relief: Apply lightly to affected area up to three times a day.
Potential Side Effects: Hypersensitivity and stinging sensation
Ingredients: Eucalyptus oil 35.45%w/w, Dementholised mint oil 35.45%w/w, Cajuput oil 18.5%w/w, Menthol 4.1%w/w, Wintergreen Oil 3.7%w/w, Juniper Berry Oil 2.7%w/w and Clove Oil 0.1%w/w.